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Entries / Commune of Artists

Commune of Artists

Categories / Art/Fine Arts/Art and Literary Associations

COMMUNE OF ARTISTS, art association. Founded in 1910 by graduates of the Academy of Arts, including S. A. Vlasov, D. G. Okroyants, N. V. Kharitonov, and I. M. Schlugleit, with the participation of I. E. Repin, honorary chairman from 1915. Arranged exhibitions, promoted sales, and popularised fine arts. The society was situated at 13a 12th Line of Vasilievsky Island during the 1910s, and 50 Bolshaya Pushkarskaya Street during the 1920s to accommodate an art studio, library, museum, and concert hall. There it held private chamber exhibitions and discussed art issues. The society also organized art competitions and was involved in publishing. Its first large exhibition was held in the Palace of Arts (today, the Benois Building of the State Russian Museum), and was devoted to the 45th anniversary of Repin's creative life. The society held seven exhibitions between 1921 and 1928, presenting over 200 artists of various styles such as O. E. Braz, P. D. Buchkin, G. S. Vereysky, V. D. Zamiraylo, V. M. Konashevich, B. M. Kustodiev, D. I. Mitrokhin, T. P. Chernyshev, S. V. Chekhonin, P. A. Shillingovsky, and S. P. Yaremich. It dissolved in 1930.

Reference: Чернышев Т. Община художников // Художник: Сб. по вопр. изобр. искусства, 1917 X 1927. Л., 1928. С. 52-54; Северюхин Д. Я., Лейкинд О. Л. Золотой век художественных объединений в России и СССР (1820-1932): Справ. СПб., 1992.

O. L. Leikind, D.Y. Severyukhin.

Braz Osip Emmanuilovich
Buchkin Peter Dmitrievich
Chekhonin Sergey Vasilievich
Chernyshev Tikhon Pavlovich
Kharitonov Nikolay Vasilievich
Konashevich Vladimir Mikhailovich
Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich
Mitrokhin Dmitry Isidorovich
Okroyants D.G.
Repin Ilya Efimovich
Schlugleit I.M.
Shillingovsky Pavel Alexandrovich
Vereysky Georgy Semenovich
Vlasov Sergey Alexeevich
Vlasov Sergey Afanasievich
Yaremich Stepan Petrovich
Zamiraylo Viktor Dmitrievich

12th Line of Vasilievsky Island/Saint Petersburg, city, house 31, litera л. А
Bolshaya Pushkarskaya St./Saint Petersburg, city, house 50

Чернышев Т. Община художников // Художник: Сб. по вопр. изобр. искусства, 1917 X 1927. Л., 1928
Северюхин Д. Я., Лейкинд О. Л. Золотой век художественных объединений в России и СССР (1820-1932): Справ. СПб., 1992

The subject Index
Academy of Arts
Academy of Arts