Kueba Restaurant
KUEBA (16 Bolshaya Morskaya Street). A restaurant opened in 1887 on the premises of the Cafe de Paris, operating from the 1850s and belonging to restaurateur Z.P. Kueba
Kukhmisterskayas (cook-shops)
KUKHMISTERSKAYAS (from the German Kuchenmeister, or cook). Cafeterias or cheap restaurants, established to "meet the needs of low class clerks and other poor men", as well as to provincials arriving to St. Petersburg
Ladoga Pipeline
LADOGA PIPELINE, a trunk pipeline laid in 43 days (5 May - 16 June 1942), through Lake Ladoga from Karedzhi Cape to the Borisova Griva Railway Station, in order to supply Leningrad with oil during the Siege of 1941-44. Designed by engineer N. V
Landings, Water (entry)
LANDINGS, WATER. Ship landings were present in St. Petersburg from the first years of its existence. Their location depended on the location and orientation of storage warehouses
LAUNDRIES. Commercial establishments for washing, drying and ironing clothes and linen. In the 18th century, laundries were located in private building, and their number could not be calculated
Leiner's Restaurant
LEINER'S RESTAURANT. Opened circa 1885 at 18 Nevsky Prospect by entrepreneur F.O. Leiner; after his death, the restaurant went to his widow V. Leiner. In the late 19th century, Leiner's was a sort of an artistic club
Lerche Restaurant
LERCHE RESTAURANT. Opened circa 1843 by Ministry of Defence Official G.V. Lerche (1787-1876) in his own residence (in literature, the Lerche House; 25 Bolshaya Morskaya Street /11 Gorokhovaya Street; rebuilt in 1838, architect P.P
Maly Yaroslavets Restaurant
MALY YAROSLAVETS (Maloyaroslavets). A restaurant opened in the 1870s at 8 Bolshaya Morskaya Street. Originated from a tavern of the same name, which was presumably built in 1812 and named in memory of the battle near Maloyaroslavets
Medved Restaurant
MEDVED (BEAR). A restaurant, opened on 1 October 1878 by Belgian entrepreneur, E. Hiegel in the building of the Demoute Hotel (see Demoute's Tavern; 27 Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street)
Memorial Cemetery to the Victims of 9th January
MEMORIAL CEMETERY TO THE VICTIMS OF 9TH JANUARY (4 Ninth January Avenue), in Nevsky District near Obukhovo Railway Station. Its square is 76 hectares. It was founded in 1872 as a city cemetery
Moscow, Hotel
MOSCOW HOTEL, (2 Alexander Nevsky Square). Built in 1974-77 (architects D.S. Goldgor, V.N. Scherbin, L.K. Varshavskaya, engineer E.V. Golubev). The seven-floor building has 777 rooms (for a total of 1,415 guests), 5 restaurants, bars on each floor
Moskovsky Railway Station
MOSKOVSKY RAILWAY STATION (in 1855-1924 Nikolaevsky Railway Station) (located at 2 Vosstaniya Square), was built in 1844-51 by architect K.A. Ton. A commemorative plaque in his memory appears on the facade
Neva Hotel
NEVA HOTEL. (17 Tchaikovsky Street). The building was reconstructed from a previously existing building (1902, architect P.A. Vinogradov). It was opened in 1913 (?)
Nikolskoe Cemetery
NIKOLSKOE CEMETERY. One of the necropolises at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, founded in 1863 (the third to be opened). Situated between Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue and the Lavra's eastern yards. It was named after the Church of St
Northwest Shipping Lines
NORTHWEST SHIPPING LINES (NWS) (the central office is located at 37 Bolshaya Morskaya Street), open joint-stock company (since 1991), one of the largest enterprises of St. Petersburg transport sector and the system of Russian river transport
Novodevichye Cemetery
NOVODEVICHYE CEMETERY (100 Moskovsky Avenue). Situated in the southern part of St. Petersburg. Founded in 1845, for the Novodevichy Convent; burials lasted from 1849 to the 1930s. Its area includes 10 hectares
Oktyabrskaya Hotel
OKTYABRSKAYA HOTEL (until the 1890s, Znamenskaya Hotel, then through 1918, Bolshaya Severnaya Hotel; 10 Ligovsky Ave). The main building (118 Nevsky Prospect) was constructed at the same time as the Moscow Railway Station (architect N.E. Tfimov)
Oktyabrskaya Railway
OKTYABRSKAYA RAILWAY runs across Leningrad, Vologda, Moscow, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov, and Tver Regions and the Republic of Karelia. The total length of the network is 10.4 thousand km. The company office is located in St
OMNIBUS (lat. omnibus - for all), a multi-seater horse-powered vehicle, the first public city route of trackless transportation. First omnibuses started operating in the summer of 1830, running from St
Optical Telegraph
OPTICAL TELEGRAPH, semaphore telegraph, a visual system of message transfer, using conventional signs (semaphore alphabet, light signals, visible at night as well) given within direct visibility. The St
Palkin Restaurants
PALKIN RESTAURANTS. Several Petersburg restaurants, owned by members of the Palkin merchant family. In 1785, A.S. Palkin, a native of Yaroslavl, opened a tavern under his name in St. Petersburg
PAVEMENT. In the early 18th century, pedestrian pavements in St. Petersburg developed out of wooden planked roadways. In the mid 18th century, wooden pavements appeared; in the late 18th century came stone pavements made of limestone slabs
PAVEMENTS have been built in St. Petersburg since the early 18th century. The first pavements were made of boards, later various paving materials were applied, including planks, cobblestones, asphalt, woodblocks, granite, metal, road metal (pebbles)
Petersburg Transportation Hub
PETERSBURG TRANSPORTATION HUB. European Russia's largest transport centre. St. Petersburg's unique geographical location, with its accessibility to sea, river and railway routes, as well as major highways
Phoenix Restaurant
PHOENIX. A restaurant opened by the merchant Ivanov on 29 January 1833 on Alexandrinskaya Square (behind the building of the Alexandrinsky Theatre; today 2 Ostrovskogo Square), serving Russian and French cuisine
Post Office, Central
Post Office, CENTRAL (Postamt, from the German meaning Post Office) (9 Pochtamtskaya Street). Founded in St. Petersburg in 1714, located at the Troitskaya Landing (present-day Troitsky Bridge)
Postal Service
POSTAL SERVICE. The general post-office was founded in St. Petersburg in 1714, and “regular post service” was established along the Moscow and Riga routes. In February 1714, the postal service started biweekly runs from St
Pribaltiiskaya Hotel
PRIBALTIISKAYA HOTEL (14 Korablestroiteley Street). A hotel built in 1976-78 (architect N.N. Baranov, S.I. Evdokimov, V.I. Kovalev, engineer P.F. Panfilov) by the Swedish civil engineering firm Skanska Zementgutteriett
Public Lavatory
PUBLIC LAVATORY. Since the early 18th century, primitive latrines were arranged on the territory of gostiny dvors, markets, ports, and along river and canal banks
Quisisana Restaurants
QUISISANA, the name of two restaurants located on Nevsky Prospect in the early 20th century. The first one was opened at 43 Nevsky Prospect in the early 1900s by entrepreneur Sartori on the first floor of the apartment building belonging to Grand