Peter The Great Clinical Hospital
Peter The Great Clinical Hospital
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Medicine. Public Health/Hospitals and Clinics
PETER THE GREAT CLINICAL HOSPITAL (47 Piskarevsky Avenue), general hospital under federal administration. The decision to build the hospital in honour of the 200th anniversary of the city was adopted in 1903. The construction started in 1907 (architects L.A. Ilyin, I. Klein, A.V. Rosenberg), the official groundbreaking ceremony took place in 1910 on the birthday of Emperor Peter the Great. The hospital was opened in 1914, in 1922-24, it was expanded, in 1919-94, it was known as Mechnikov Central City Clinical Hospital. From 1915, it was the clinical establishment of the Faculty of Medicine for the Psycho-Neurological Institute. Oppel also contributed to the Organisation of Science Practice (from 1924 he served as head of the department of Surgery, and in 1925-29 as Director). On basis of the department of oncology the first Oncological Institute in the country was created in 1926 (now the Research Institute of Oncology). By 1929 the hospital was the largest medical institution in the country. From 1932, it was both a medical institute and a hospital and from 1936 it became a part of the Second Leningrad Medical Institute (now the Medical Academy). During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 it was an evacuation hospital. In 2002 it was the largest hospital in the city with approximately 20,000 people treated there annually. On the hospital grounds there is a monument to I.I. Mechnikov (1936, sculptor L.V. Shervud) and the monument to professors and students of the Academy who perished in the time of the Great Patriotic War (1985, architect Y.N. Lukin, sculptor N.A. Avliev). References: Шабров А. В., Романюк В. П. Больница Петра Великого - клиническая база Санкт-Петербургской государственной медицинской академии имени И. И. Мечникова. Ч. 1: (1903-1945). СПб., 2001. T. I. Grekova.
Aliev N.A.
Ilyin Lev Alexandrovich
Klein Alexander Ivanovich
Lukin Yakov Nikolaevich
Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich
Oppel Vladimir Andreevich
Peter I, Emperor
Rosenberg Alexander Vladimirovich
Shervud Leonid Vladimirovich
Piskarevsky Ave/Saint Petersburg, city, house 47
Шабров А. В., Романюк В. П. Больница Петра Великого - клиническая база Санкт-Петербургской государственной медицинской академии имени И. И. Мечникова. Ч. 1: (1903-1945). СПб., 2001.
The subject Index
Bekhterev Psycho-neurological Research Institute, The St. Petersburg
Petrov Institute of Oncology
Mechnikov Medical Academy
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