Search result: alphabet - K
Kerbedz S.V., (1810-1899), engineer
KERBEDZ Stanislav Valerianovich (1810-1899), engineer, Actual Privy Counsellor (1881), corresponding member (1851) and honorary member (1858) of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts (1850)
Kerensky A.F. (1881-1970), political figure
KERENSKY Alexander Fedorovich (1881-1970), political figure and statesman, lawyer. In 1899, he entered the History and Philology Faculty of Petersburg University; in 1900, he moved to the Faculty of Law; after graduating (1904)
Khandoshkin I.E., (1747-1804), violinist, composer
Khandoshkin Ivan Evstafyevich (1747, St. Petersburg [?] - 1804, St. Petersburg), master violinist, composer, pedagogue, son of a former serf of Count P.B. Sheremetyev, who was a musician at the Court of Grand Prince Peter Fedorovich
Khariton Y. B., (1904-1994), physicist
KHARITON Yuly Borisovich (1904, St. Petersburg - 1994), physicist and physical chemist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1953 and Hero of Socialist Labour in 1949, 1951, and 1954
Kharlamov Bridge
KHARLAMOV BRIDGE (in 1927-91, Komsomolsky Bridge), across Griboedova Canal, on Rimskogo-Korsakova Avenue. In 1753, there was a single-span wooden pile girder bridge
Kharms D. (1905-1942), writer
KHARMS Daniil (real name Yuvachev Daniil Ivanovich; also known under the pen-names Charms, Dandan, Shardam, Karl Ivanovich Shusterling) (1905, St. Petersburg - 1942, Leningrad), a poet, prose writer and playwright
Khlebnikov V., (1885-1922), the Writer
KHLEBNIKOV Velimir (the real name and patronymic Viktor Vladimirovich) (1885-1922) was a poet, theorist of futurism. He was a student of Kazan University from 1903, in 1908-11, he was a student of the Department of Natural History
Khlopin Radium Institute
KHLOPIN RADIUM INSTITUTE, located at 28 Second Murinsky Avenue, was established in 1921 by the scientist V. I. Vernadsky to study and make practical use of radioactivity
Khlopin V.G., (1890-1950), radiochemist
KHLOPIN Vitaly Grigorievich (1890-1950, Leningrad), radiochemist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1939. He graduated from Hettingen University and Petersburg University in 1911 and 1912, respectively
Khomutetsky N.F., (1905-1973), architect and historian of architecture
KHOMUTETSKY Nikolay Fedorovich (1905-1973, Leningrad) architect, historian of architecture, Ph.D. in Architecture (1956), and professor (1956). After graduating from the Institute of Civil Engineering (1931) he was accepted to the post-graduate
Khrapovitsky Bridge
KHRAPOVITSKY BRIDGE (in 1738 known as Zhelty, on the plan of 1798 marked as Sinyavin; later called Galerny or Korabelny, from Galerny Yard), across the Moika River, connects Pisareva Street with Admiralteysky Canal Embankment
Khrapovitsky M.E. governor-general in 1846-47
KHRAPOVITSKY Matvey Evgrafovich (1784-1847, St. Petersburg), statesman and combat leader, infantry general (1831), adjutant-general (1816). He was educated in the Gentry Army Cadet corps school in St. Petersburg
Khrenov A. S. (1860-1926), architect
KHRENOV Alexander Sergeevich (1860, St. Petersburg - 1926), architect and aquarellist. Graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts (1884). In 1888, assumed the position of architect of St
Khudozhestvennaya gazeta (The Art Newspaper), journal
KHUDOZHESTVENNAYA GAZETA (The Art Newspaper), a biweekly publication on painting art, appeared in 1836-38 and 1840-41. Until 1840 the periodical was edited by its publisher N. V. Kukolnik, followed by А. N. Strugovshchikov
Khudozhestvennye Sokrovishcha Rossii (The Art Treasures of Russia), album
KHUDOZHESTVENNYE SOKROVISHCHA ROSSII (The Art Treasures of Russia), a monthly album, published in 1901-07 by the Society for Encouragement of Artists (the editorial office was located at 83 Moika River Embankment)
Khvolson О.D., (1852-1934), physicist
KHVOLSON Orest Danilovich (1852, St. Petersburg - 1934, Leningrad), a physicist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences from 1895, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1920 and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from
Kibalchich N.I. (1853-1881), revolutionary, inventor
KIBALCHICH Nikolay Ivanovich (1853-1881, St. Petersburg), participant of the revolutionary movement, inventor. On graduating from Novgorod-Seversk Gymnasium (1871), entered the Institute of Communications Engineers
Kikiny Palaty (Kikin's Chambers)
KIKINY PALATY (Kikin's Chambers) (9 Stavropolskaya Street), an architectural monument of the Petrine Baroque. Constructed in 1714-20 (architect A. Schluter) for the Admiralty Councillor A.V
Kima Avenue
KIMA AVENUE, between the Smolenka River Embankment and Uralskaya Street, on Dekabristov Island. Laid in 1914 during the development of the New Petersburg region
Kiprensky O.A., (1782-1836), Artist
KIPRENSKY Orest Adamovich (1782, Nezhinskaya farm-stead near Koporye in St. Petersburg Province - 1836), artist. He lived in St. Petersburg from time to time from 1788 to 1828
Kirochnaya Street
KIROCHNAYA STREET (in the 18th century, the Fourth Artilleriiskaya Line and Street; in 1932-98, Saltykova-Shchedrina Street), running from Liteiny Avenue to Novgorodskaya Street
Kirov S.M. the 1st secretary of the regional party committee in 1926-34
KIROV (born Kostrikov) Sergey Mironovich (1886-1934, Leningrad), statesman and party worker. He graduated from Kazan Elementary Mechanical-technical School (1904)
Kirov Spinning and Filar Factory
KIROV SPINNING AND FILAR FACTORY (15/9 Krasnykh Textilshchikov Street) is an open joint-stock company, the largest factory in the country producing sewing threads, and the only factory producing threads for knitting and embroidery
Kirov Stadium
KIROV STADIUM (25 Yuzhnaya Road), the largest sports facility of St. Petersburg. The construction began in 1933 (the project was approved in 1937) by the summer of 1941 most early works were finished
Kirovskaya Square
KIROVSKAYA SQUARE, located at the intersection of Stachek Avenue and Shvetsova Street. Created in the 1930s as an administrative centre for the Moskovsko-Narvsky (since 1934, Kirovsky) District, according to a plan design by architect L.A
Kirovskie Islands
KIROVSKIE ISLANDS, the official name of Elagin Island, Krestovsky Island, and Kamenny (Stone) Island in 1934-93, named in memory of S. M.
Kirovsky District
KIROVSKY DISTRICT is an administrative territorial unit of St. Petersburg. (Its territory administration is located at 18 Stachek Avenue). The district was named in honour of Sergey Kirov in 1934. Its present-day borders were established in 1973
Kirovsky Plant
KIROVSKY PLANT (47 Stachek Avenue), a joint-stock company, an enterprise manufacturing a comprehensive range of metallurgy and machinery products; one of the biggest in Russia
Kirovsky Stream
KIROVSLY STREAM is the unofficial name of large-scale persecutions in Leningrad after the murder of S.M. Kirov on 1 December 1934. A Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR was adopted on the day of the murder
Kiselev P.D. (1788-1872), statesman
KISELEV Pavel Dmitrievich (1788-1872), count (1839), statesman and military leader, Infantry General (1834), Adjutant General (1823), Honorary Member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1855). The uncle of D. A. Milyutin and N. A. Milyutin