KRONSCHLOT, a sea fort, the first fortification of the Kronstadt Fortress. It was founded in the winter of 1703-04 on a shallow in the Gulf of Finland, south of Kotlin Island based on the designs of Tsar Peter the Great
KRONSHPITS (14a and 16 Shkipersky Channel), architectural monuments of the Petrine Baroque. Two small guard pavilions with lanterns ("beacon lights") and spires (flagpoles) were constructed about 1722 (architect D
KRONSTADT, a town on Kotlin Island, 32 kilometres west of Saint Petersburg. The town's history traces back to a sea fort called Kronslot built in the winter of 1703-04. By May 1704, two batteries were constructed along the south bank
Kronstadt Fortress
KRONSTADT FORTRESS, a complex of fortifications supported by Kotlin Island, intended to defend St. Petersburg from the enemy naval attacks from the Gulf of Finland, the largest naval construction in the pre-revolutionary Russia
Kronstadt Fortress
KRONSTADT FORTRESS (Kronstadt, 1 Yakornaya Square), museum, a branch of the Central Military and Naval Museum. Organised by A. A. Antipov who also acted as its first director the museum was opened on 8.5.1980 in the building of the Naval Cathedral
Kronstadt Rebellion of 1921
KRONSTADT REBELLION OF 1921 (in official Soviet historiography, Kronstadt Mutiny). An armed uprising by the Kronstadt garrison and a number of ships from the Baltic Fleet, lasting from 1-18 March 1921, aimed against Bolshevik rule
Kronstadt Rebellions of 1905-1906
KRONSTADT REBELLIONS of 1905-1906, mass armed demonstration by Kronstadt sailors and soldiers in the period of the Revolution of 1905-07. The Rebellion of 1905 was preceded by a spontaneous demonstration made by the garrison in September of the same
Kronstadt Sea-gauge
KRONSTADT SEA-GAUGE, a metal rod with marks for measuring the Baltic sea level. It was installed at the beginning of the 19th century on the abutment of the bridge across Obvodny (Provodnoy) Canal in Kronstadt
Kronstadtsky District
KRONSTADTSKY DISTRICT is an administrative territorial unit of St. Petersburg (Its territory administration is located at 36 Lenina Avenue,.) Formed in 1998, it was named after the city of Kronstadt, which is the district centre
Kronverk (Crownwork)
KRONVERK (crownwork), the outer ground fortification of the St. Peter and Paul Fortress. It was built in the southern part of present-day Petrogradsky Island in 1705-08, reconstructed in 1752 (engineer A.P. Hannibal) and 1800 (engineer P.P. Berg)
Kronverkskaya Embankment
KRONVERKSKAYA EMBANKMENT is located between Troitskaya Square and Kronverksky Avenue along the right bank of Kronverksky Strait. It was laid in 1980 and received its name after Kronverk at the same time
Kronverksky Avenue
KRONVERKSKY AVENUE, between Troitskaya Square and Mytninskaya Embankment, on the Petrogradskaya Side; its semicircular arch includes the territory of Alexandrovsky Park. The avenue was constructed in the first half of the 18th century
Kronverksky Strait
Kronverksky Strait (Crownwork Strait) is a bow-shaped channel of the Neva River dividing Petrogradsky and Zayachiy Islands. It is over 1 km long, about 50 meters wide and up to 4 meters deep
Kropotkin P.A., (1842-1921), revolutionary, geographer and geologist
KROPOTKIN Peter Alexeevich (1842-1921), duke, ideologist of anarchism, sociologist, historian, geographer, and geologist. A member of the ancient family of dukes deriving lineage from the Rurikid Dynasty
Krusenstern I.F. (1770-1846), navigator
KRUSENSTERN Ivan Fedorovich (1770-1846), navigator, corresponding member (1803), honorary member (1806) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Admiral. (1842). Graduated from the Naval Cadet School (1787)
Krylov A.N., (1863-1945), Mathematician, Naval Architect
KRYLOV Alexey Nikolaevich (1863-1945, Leningrad) was mathematician, naval architect, academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1916), of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1917), of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925)
Krylov Central Scientific and Research Institute
KRYLOV CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, located at 44 Moskovskoe Highway, dates back to the Experimental Pool in New Holland (1894), the first Russian scientific and research institution for shipbuilding
Krylov I. A. (1769-1844), writer, journalist
KRYLOV Ivan Andreevich (1769, according to other sources 1766 or 1768–1844, St. Petersburg), fabulist, playwright, journalist, full member of the Russian Academy, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841), honorary member of St
Kryukov Canal
KRYUKOV CANAL runs from the Admiralty Canal by Truda Square to the Fontanka River. 1015 meters long, it was dug from the Neva River to the Moika River in 1719-20 and was named after the contractor Semen Kyukov in 1738 (the section from the Neva to
Kschessinska M.F., (1872-1971), ballet dancer
KSCHESSINSKA Mathilde (Maria) Felixovna (1872, Ligovo, near St. Petersburg - 1971), ballet dancer and teacher. A student of C. I. Ioganson, she graduated from the Theatre School in 1890 to be immediately admitted into the Mariinsky Theatre
Kschessinska Mansion
KSCHESSINSKA MANSION (2 Kuybysheva Street /1 Kronverksky Avenue), a modernist architectural monument. The building was constructed in 1904-06 (architect. A. I. von Gogen) for ballet dancer M.F. Kschessinska
Kuchelbecker W.K. (1797-1846), poet, decembrist
KUCHELBECKER Wilhelm Karlovich (1797, St. Petersburg - 1846), poet, decembrist, retired Collegiate Assessor. On graduating from Tsarskoe Selo Lycee (1817, classmate of A.S
Kuchumov A.M. (1912-1993), museum worker
KUCHUMOV Anatoly Mikhailovich (1912-1993, town of Pushkin), museum worker, art historian, honoured culture worker of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1975), honorary citizen of the town of Pavlovsk (1992)
Kueba Restaurant
KUEBA (16 Bolshaya Morskaya Street). A restaurant opened in 1887 on the premises of the Cafe de Paris, operating from the 1850s and belonging to restaurateur Z.P. Kueba
Kuindzhi A. I., (1841-1910), Artist
KUINDZHI Arkhip Ivanovich (1841-1910, St. Petersburg) artist. He studied at the Academy of Arts under I. K. Aivazovsky (1868-72; was a member of the Academy from 1893)
Kuindzhi Society
KUINDZHI SOCIETY (Kuindzhi Society of Artists), art association. Founded in 1909 on the initiative of and with financial support from A. I. Kuindzhi, its honorary chairman, in order to provide financial support to artists
Kukhmisterskayas (cook-shops)
KUKHMISTERSKAYAS (from the German Kuchenmeister, or cook). Cafeterias or cheap restaurants, established to "meet the needs of low class clerks and other poor men", as well as to provincials arriving to St. Petersburg
Kukolnik N.V. (1809-1868), writer
KUKOLNIK Nestor Vasilievich (1809, St. Petersburg - 1868) playwright, poet, prose writer, critic, collegiate counsellor (1856). He graduated from Nezhinskaya Gymnasium (1829), lived in St. Petersburg from 1831 to 1847
Kulbin N.I. (1868-1917), Artist
KULBIN Nikolay Ivanovich (1868, St. Petersburg - 1917, Petrograd) painter, graphic artist, art theorist; actual privy counsellor (1915), lecturer at the Army Medical College (from 1907), a doctor of the General Staff (from 1903)
Kulibin I.P., (1735-1818), mechanic and inventor
KULIBIN Ivan Petrovich (1735-1818), self-taught mechanic and inventor. In 1764-67, he created a watch with a complicated mechanism in the shape of an egg. After presenting the watch to Empress Catherine II in 1769 (the watch is now part of the State