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Adress index / Pushkin, town
Bauer Fiodor Vilimovich (Friedrich-Wilhelm) (1734-1783, Spb.), military engineer, hydraulic engineering technologist, cartographer

Bauer (Baur, Baor, Bawer, Bawr) Fiodor Vilimovich (Friedrich-Wilhelm) (1734–1783, SPb), military engineer, hydraulic engineering technologist, cartographer. He was an Swede by birth, he worked for Russia from 1769

Gerhard, Ivan Kondratyevich ( Johann - Konrad) (1720–1808), an engineer, privy councillor.

Gerhard, Ivan Kondratyevich ( Johann - Konrad) (1720–1808), an engineer, privy councillor. He was born in Germany (Schwabia) and he got the elementary education there after that he learned at the Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg

The Taitsi water supply system

The Taitsi water supply system (TW) was the water supply system of Tsarskoye Selo built according to the order of Catherine II in 1772-1787 in exchange for the outweared Vittelevo water supply system. The military engineer F.V

Water supply system of Tsarskoye Selo

Water supply system of Tsarskoye Selo; the water supply system of Tsarskoye Selo Town (Detskoye Selo Town, Pushkin Town) and Pavlovsk Town . In the middle of the 18th cent. the water supply system designed by P