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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Ispytateley Avenue
История переименований:
Ispytateley Ave (as of November 2, 1973)

Komendantsky Aerodrome

KOMENDANTSKY AERODROME, an area in the north-west of St. Petersburg, between Kolomyazhsky Avenue, Parashyutnaya Street, Sizova Street and Chernaya Rechka river

Primorsky District

PRIMORSKY DISTRICT, an administrative and territorial unit of St. Petersburg, with its administration located at 83 Savushkina Street. Formed in 1936, known as Zhdanovsky District in 1949-89, and existing in its present day boundaries since 1973

Toponymy of St. Petersburg

TOPONYMY OF ST. PETERSBURG, a corpus of names of geographical points situated on the territory of St. Petersburg. Names of rivers, islands, and villages located on the city's future territory appeared long before its foundation

Udelny Park

UDELNY PARK is located between Engelsa Avenue, Udelny Avenue, Bogatyrsky Avenue, Ispytateley Avenue, Kolomyazhsky Avenue and Akkuratova Street. From the 1930s until the beginning of the 1990s, it was called the Chelyuskintsev Memorial Park