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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Obvodny Canal
История переименований:
Gorodskoy Canal (1786 – the 1800s)
Canal setting the limits of the city 1798
Obvodny Canal (as of December 23, 1804)
Obvodny Gorodovoy Canal 1821
Gorodovoy Canal (1798 – the 1800s)

Catherine II the Great, Alekseyevna (1729-1796, St. Petersburg), Empress

Catherine II the Great, Alekseyevna (1729-1796, St. Petersburg), Empress from 1761. Nee Sophie Friederike Auguste, Princess von Anhalt-Zerbst . In 1744 she came into Russia being the bride of the Heir Grand Duke Peter Fiodorovich (the future