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Persons / Chernik Ivan Denisovich architect
Alexandrovsky Parade Ground

ALEXANDROVSKY PARADE GROUND, the historical name of the territory in the south-west of the city center, around the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, north of Obvodnoy Canal and west of the Monastyrka River

Morskaya Bolshaya Street

MORSKAYA BOLSHAYA STREET (in 1920-93 - Herzen Street, after A.I. Herzen), located from the General Staff Arch to Kryukov Canal. It was constructed in the early 18th century, in Morskaya settlement (hence the name)

Obvodny Canal

OBVODNY CANAL flows from the Neva River in the area of Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Ekaterinhofka River (8.08 km long, 21.3 meters wide and 42.6 meters wide in its eastern part)

Palace Square

PALACE SQUARE, St. Petersburg's main square, the traditional location for city-wide festivities, and is part of the central square system of the Neva River's left bank

University of Aerospace Technology, St. Petersburg State

UNIVERSITY OF AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY, St. Petersburg State, located at 67 Bolshaya Morskaya Street. Was established in 1941 as the Leningrad Aviation Institute. It was renamed the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Technology in 1945