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Entries /
Categories / Architecture/Architectural Monuments/Religious Architecture (see also Religion.Church)
Categories / Religion. Church/Places of Worship (see also Architecture and Urban Planning)
Categories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Monuments of history and culture

CHURCH OF THE HOLY SIGN in Tsarskoe Selo (2a Sadovaya Street, Pushkin), an architectural monument in the Baroque style of the reign of Anna Ioannovna. It was built according to the plans of architect M. G. Zemtsov with the assistance of I. Y. Blank, close to the Catherine Palace in 1734-36, on the site of the wooden Holy Annunciation Church, which had been burnt down. A single dome basilica with a belfry is adorned with pilasters along the facade. The Сhurch of the Holy Sign was completed in 1747. In 1772-73, a marble portico was constructed (architect V. I. Neelov); in 1865-66, the cupola and the belfry were remodeled (architect A. F. Vidov), and in 1898-99 the Imperial Wing was attached (architect S. A. Danini). The church relics included the Icon of the Holy Sign (today kept in the church of St. Petersburg School of Theology). In 1944, the church was closed down. It was restored in 1960-62 (architect M. M. Plotnikov), in 1991 the church was returned to the faithful.

References: Мещанинов М. Ю. Храмы Царского Села, Павловска и их ближайших окрестностей. СПб., 2000. С. 32-40.

V. V. Antonov

Blank Ivan (Jogann)Yakovlevich
Danini Silvio Amvrosievich
Neelov Vasily Ivanovich
Plotnikov Mikhail Mikhailovich
Vidov Alexander Fomich
Zemtsov Mikhail Grigorievich

Sadovaya Street/Pushkin, town, house 2, litera л. А

Мещанинов М. Ю. Храмы Царского Села, Павловска и их ближайших окрестностей. СПб., 2000

The subject Index
Catherine Palace (Town of Pushkin)
Theological schools (entry)
