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Entries / Knowledge, publishing house, 1898-1913

Knowledge, publishing house, 1898-1913

Categories / Literature. Book Publishing/Publishing Houses

KNOWLEDGE (Znanie), a publishing house established in 1898 by K.P. Pyatnitsky as a joint-stock company of writers, which included V.A. Posse, D.D. Protopopov, O.N. Popova, V.I. Charnolusky, and G.A. Falborg. The publishing house was situated at 92 Nevsky Prospect. In 1900 M. Gorky became the effective head of the organisation that brought together various realistic writers within the publishing house. Knowledge published the works of L.N. Andreev, I.A. Bunin, N.G. Garin-Mikhaylovsky, Gorky, A.I. Kuprin, A.S. Serafimovich, S.G. Skitalets et al., as well as the great writers of classical literature and those of western European literature, art and science. A wide popularity was attached to the collections entitled Knowledge which appeared with the circulation of some thousands of copies. The publishing house put into practice monthly prepayments on the account of fees, and paid its authors almost full royalties on the sale of their books. During the Revolution of 1905-07 Knowledge arranged for the publication of political (mostly Marxist) books. After the Revolution was defeated, and Gorky went abroad in 1906, the activity of the publishing house experienced a slump. Finally, in 1913, Knowledge ceased to exist.

References: Голубева О. Д. Горький-издатель. М., 1968; Баренбаум И. Е., Костылева Н. А. Книжный Петербург - Ленинград. Л., 1986. С. 269-272.

M. V. Zakharova.

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich
Bunin Ivan Alexeevich
Charnolussky V.I.
Falborg G.A.
Garin-Mikhailovsky (real name Mikhailovsky Nikolay Georgievich)
Gorky Maxim (Alexey Maximovich Peshkov)
Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich
Petrov (Skitalets) Stepan Gavrilovich
Popova Olga Nikolaevna
Posse Vladimir Alexandrovich
Protopopov Dmitry Dmitrievich
Pyatnitsky Konstantin Petrovich
Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich

Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 92

Голубева О. Д. Горький-издатель. М., 1968
Баренбаум И. Е., Костылева Н. А. Книжный Петербург - Ленинград. Л., 1986