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Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Izmailovsky Life Guards Regiment

HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL OF THE IZMAILOVSKY LIFE GUARDS REGIMENT located at 7a Izmailovsky Avenue, is an architectural monument in the late Classicist style. A regimental church of the Izmailovsky Life Guard Regiment

Izmaylovsky Avenue

IZMAYLOVSKY AVENUE, running from Fontanka River Embankment to Obvodny Canal Embankment. Called Voznesensky Avenue from the second half of the 18th century to the early 19th century, and Krasnykh Komandirov Street from 1923 to 1944

Monumental Propoganda Plan (monuments)

MONUMENTAL PROPAGANDA PLAN was ratified on 12 April 1918 by the Council of People's Commissars decree on the "removal of monuments, erected in honour of tsars and their servants and the elaboration of monuments of Russian Socialist Revolution" (On

Monuments to the War of 1812-1814

MONUMENTS TO THE WAR OF 1812-1814, memorial constructions in honour of Russia's military victories during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the campaigns of 1813-14 against Emperor Napoleon I concluding with allied troops marching into Paris on 19 March

Russo-Turkish wars, Monuments to

RUSSO-TURKISH WARS, MONUMENTS TO. Many monuments devoted to victories by the Russian Army and Fleet during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774 have been erected at the Catherine Park at Tsarskoe Selo