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Ivan Konstantinovich Matrosov, the inventor of the pneumatic single-camera brake for steam locomotives that was applied in the native steam-locomotive building, worked at the plant "Remputmash"
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


19717 members of tour group visited palace-museums of Detskoye Selo. 14 September. The first race of the autumn Marathon Pushkin - Leningrad took place. Twenty people took part in the race. M.I
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The writer F. Sologub lived in Detskoye Selo during summer
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The summer. Sergey Yesenin performed in a sudent's club (in the Martial Chamber) and together with Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky performed in the Detskoye Selo sanatorium of scientist (TsKUBU)
Source: Tsarskoe Selo


The spring. A.A. Akhmatova, O.E. and N.Ya. Mandelshtam lived in the boarding house of Zaitsev in Detskoye Selo where they were visited by Pavel Luknitsky collecting materials about N.S. Gumilyov
Source: Tsarskoe Selo

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