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The subject index / Horse Grenadier Life Guards Regiment

Horse Grenadier Life Guards Regiment

Categories / Army. Navy/Garrison

HORSE GRENADIER LIFE GUARDS REGIMENT, Cavalry Guards Regiment, its history dates back to the Odessa Hussar Regiment, raised in May 1803, which was the basis for the Uhlan Tsesarevich’s Regiment formed the same year. In 1809 the Regiment was divided into the Uhlan Life Guards Regiment and the Dragoon Life Guards Regiment. The latter took part in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-14, the Russo-Turkish War 1828-29 and suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1830-31. For distinguished services in the latter campaign the Regiment was designated the Horse Grenadier Life Guards Regiment. The regiment participated in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. Its barracks were located in Old Peterhof in the area between Dvortsovaya Street (now Morskogo Desanta Street) and Eikhenskaya Street, crossed by Konnogrenaderskaya Street (1835-39, 1860-68, re-built in the 1870s). The regiment chapel was the Church of the Holy Sign. During WW I of 1914-18 the regiment as part of the 2d Guards Cavalry Division was dispatched to the North-Western front. In the early 1918 the regiment was disbanded.

References: Вознесенский В. Историко-статистические сведения о Петергофской церкви Знамения пресвятыя Богородицы л.-гв. Конно-гренадерского полка, с входящими сведениями о полке и первоначальном основании Петергофа. СПб., 1867; Виднэс Б. А. Краткая история Л.-гв. Конно-гренадерского полка. СПб., 1903; Воронович Н. В. Памятка молодого солдата конно-гренадера. СПб., 1913.

A. N. Lukirsky.

Eikhenskaya Street/Peterhoff, town
Konno-Grenaderskaya Street/Peterhoff, town
Morskogo Desanta Street/Peterhoff, town

Вознесенский В. Историко-статистические сведения о Петергофской церкви Знамения пресвятыя Богородицы л.-гв. Конно-гренадерского полка, с входящими сведениями о полке и первоначальном основании Петергофа. СПб., 1867
Виднэс Б. А. Краткая история Л.-гв. Конно-гренадерского полка. СПб., 1903
Воронович Н. В. Памятка молодого солдата конно-гренадера. СПб., 1913