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Categories / City Administration

Bubyr A.F. (1876-1919), architect

BUBYR Alexey Fedorovich (1876-1919), architect. Graduated from the College of Civil Engineers (1902). Worked at the Department of Empress Maria’s Institutions (since 1903), taught at the College of Civil Engineers

City Clock

CITY CLOCK. The very first mechanical clock in the city was installed in 1704 in the tower of wooden St. Peter and Paul Cathedral. In 1710, the first striker clock (with chimes) was set up on the belfry of the Church of St

Konovalov D.P., (1956-1929), chemist

KONOVALOV Dmitry Petrovich (1856-1929, Leningrad), chemist, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1923) and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925). Graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1878

Kurbatov V.Y., (1878-1957), Chemist, Regional Ethnographer

KURBATOV Vladimir Yakovlevich (1878, St. Petersburg - 1957, Leningrad) chemist, art historian, regional ethnographer. Upon graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the St

Mendeleev D.I., (1834-1907), chemist

MENDELEEV Dmitry Ivanovich (1834-1907, St. Petersburg), chemist, teacher and public figure, Associate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1876). Graduated from the Main Pedagogical Institute of St. Petersburg in 1855

Mendeleev Metrology Institute

MENDELEEV METROLOGY INSTITUTE, situated at 19 Moskovsky Avenue. It originates from the Depot of Standard Weights and Measures founded in 1842 and reorganised into the Head Office of Weights and Measures in 1893 and the All-Union Institute of

Ministry of Finance

MINISTRY OF FINANCE, one of the Russian Empire's central public institutions, in charge of financial and economic policy. Established on 8 September 1802, and reorganized in 1810-11