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The subject index / Medal, Defence of Leningrad.

Medal, Defence of Leningrad.

Categories / Capital/Heraldry, Symbols of St. Petersburg, State Awards

DEFENCE OF LENINGRAD, a medal and a state award of the USSR, instituted on 22 December 1941. The round medal is made of brass, and measures 32 millimetres in diameter. The medal's obverse face features a group of soldiers, seamen, and working men and women carrying rifles tilted forward, against a background of the building of the Chief Admiralty, and the inscription, For the Defence of Leningrad. The medal's reverse face shows the image of the hammer and sickle and the inscription, For Our Soviet Motherland. The ribbon is olive-green with a green stripe. The medal has been awarded to about a million military men who took part in the Battle of Leningrad, and to nearly 500,000 Leningrad residents who survived the siege of 1941-44.

References: Григорьев В. С. "За оборону Ленинграда": К 50-летию учреждения медали // С.-Петерб. панорама. 1992. № 12. С. 22-23; Володин А. Н., Мерлай Н. М. Медали СССР. СПб., 1997.

G. V. Kalashnikov.

Володин А. Н., Мерлай Н. М. Медали СССР. СПб., 1997
Григорьев В. С. "За оборону Ленинграда": К 50-летию учреждения медали // // С.-Петерб. панорама, 1992