Novy Put (New Way), newspaper
Novy Put (New Way), newspaper
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Press. Mass Media/Periodical Press/Newspapers
NOVY PUT (New Way) a monthly illustrated literary journal on religion, philosophy and social issues which appeared in 1903-04 with the editorial office located at 88 Nevsky Prospect, and from July 1903 at 10 Saperny Lane. Until the summer of 1904 the journal was edited by P. P. Pertsov, followed by D. V. Filosofov. The secretarial position was consecutively held by V. Y. Bryusov, Е. А. Egorov, G. I. Chulkov. The journal's inspirers, D. S. Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Gippius effectively acted as its editors; N. M. Minsky and V. V. Rozanov were one of the contributors to the Novy Put. The ideology of the publication had echoed the agenda of the Religious and Philosophic Assemblies (1901-03, their suppression was triggered by harsh criticism directed at Novy Put, which regularly published its minutes there. It was also criticized by clerical press. In its literary aspect it propagated the aesthetic principles of Symbolism. In March 1903, A. A. Blok made his first literary appearance in the Novy Put; it also published works of K. D. Balmont, А. Bely, М. А. Voloshin, F. Sologub, K. M. Fofanov. The arrival of a new team with S. N. Bulgakov and N. A. Berdyaev at the forefront in the autumn of 1904 resulted in an editorial crisis, the refusal on the part of Merezhkovsky and Gippius to continue working and finally the suppression of the Novy Put in late 1904, with the journal Voprosy Zhizni, (circulated in 1905) taking its place. Voprosy Zhizni remained faithful to the traditions of the literary Symbolism (it published Sologub's novel The Petty Demon) but drifted away from the ideological principles of Novy Put. References: Максимов Д. Е. Журналы раннего символизма; Новый путь // Евгеньев-Максимов В. Е., Максимов Д. Е. Из прошлого русской журналистики: Ст. и материалы. Л., 1930; Журналы Новый путь и Вопросы жизни, 1903-1905 гг.: Указ. содерж. / Сост. Е. Б. Летенкова. СПб., 1996; Колеров М. А. Не мир, но меч: Рус. религ.-филос. печать от Проблем идеализма до Вех, 1902-1909. СПб., 1996. D. N. Cherdakov.
Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich
Bely Andrey (real name Bugaev Boris Nikolaevich)
Berdyaev Nikolay Alexandrovich
Blok G.P.
Bryusov Valery Yakovlevich
Bulgakov Sergey Nikolaevich
Chulkov Georgy Ivanovich
Egorov E.A.
Filosofov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Fofanov Konstantin Mikhailovich
Gippius Zinaida Nikolaevna
Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich
Minsky (born Vilenkin) Nikolay Maximovich
Pertsov Peter Petrovich
Rozanov Vasily Vasilievich
Sologub Fedor (real name Teternikov Fedor Kuzmich)
Voloshin Maximillian Alexandrovich
Nevsky prospect/Saint Petersburg, city, house 88
Saperny Lane/Saint Petersburg, city, house 10
Максимов Д. Е. Журналы раннего символизма; "Новый путь" // Евгеньев-Максимов В. Е., Максимов Д. Е. Из прошлого русской .журналистики: Ст. и материалы. Л., 1930
Колеров М. А. Не мир, но меч: Рус. религ.-филос. печать от "Проблем идеализма" до "Вех", 1902-1909. СПб., 1996
Журналы "Новый путь" и "Вопросы жизни", 1903-1905 гг.: Указ. содерж. / Сост. Е. Б. Летенкова. СПб., 1996
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Sologub F.K. (1863-1927), writer
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