Barracks of the Second Life Guard Rifle Regiment with the Church of the Saint Sergy of Radonezh
Barracks of the Second Life Guard Rifle Regiment with the Church of the Saint Sergy of Radonezh
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Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Monuments of history and culture
In 1871 the buildings of the Sophia Provision Shops, built in 1821-1822 to the design of the architect V.P. Stasov, were rebuilt for permanent apartments of the Tsarskoye Selo riflemen. For placing riflemen the old shops were replanned and overbuilt. New buildings of barracks were being built nearby bit by bit as required. In 1887 a one-storied building of the Arsenal with a training hall was built at the corner of Gatchina Road (now it is Krasnoselskoye Road) and Furazhaya Street. In two years the church was placed here. In 1903-1904 the building of the Arsenal was enlarged according to the design of the architect A.G. Uspensky. An extension was built to the side façade of the training hall where the church altar part with the iconostasis and soleia were placed, a bell tower with the broach and separate entrance into the church was built and the church was crowned with a cupola on the high drum. The works were done for the money of the Moscow merchant N.A. Protopopov. Inside the church walls were decorated and painted in the style of Russian churches of the 16th century, frescos were painted by the artist S.V. Chekhonin. On 19 November 1904 the church was consecrated in the name of Saint Sergy of Radonezh in the presence of Nicholas II and Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich, the chief of the battalion. As before the church was connected with training hall that made possible to seat more people during services. Many officers of the regiment who perished in battles during World War I were buried in the church crypt. Some buildings of barracks of the Second Tsarskoye Selo Life Guard Rifle Regiment were survived until our days: soldiers’ barracks (former Provisions Shops, now – 1, 3 Krasnoselskoye Road), a building of Officers’ barracks and assembly (7 Krasnoselskoye Road), as well as the arsenal with the training hall and regiment church of Saint Sergy of Radonezh (4 Furazhny Lane).
Semenova Galina Victorovna
Chekhonin Sergey Vasilievich
Nicholas II, Emperor
Sergey Alexandrovich, Grand Prince
Stasov Vasily Petrovich
Uspensky Alexander Glebovich
Uspensky Alexander Glebovich
Furazhny Lane/Pushkin, town
Krasnoselskoe Freeway/Pushkin, town
Krasnoselskoe Freeway/Pushkin, town
21 November. The new regiment church, devoted to St. Sergiy of Radonezh in Gatchina Road beyond the Orlov Gates, was consecrated after returning the Second Rifle Batalion from the Turkey campaign
Source: Tsarskoe Selo
1 January. In the Alexander Palace Nicholas II wrote in his diary: " Bless, God, the year that came. Give to Russia the victory in the current war, lasting peace and quiet existence!"
I.F. Annensky, under the pseudonym of "Nik
Source: Tsarskoe Selo
The Life-Guards 2nd Tsarskoselsky Rifle Regiment
The Life-Guards 2nd Rifle Battalion was established on March 27, 1856 on the basis of the rifle companies of the 2nd Guard Division. The Battalion was made a part of the Old Guard and given all rights and privileges of the Old Guard