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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Glavnaya St.
История переименований:
Glavnaya St. (as of February 22, 1939)
Elizavetinskaya St. (1840s – February 22, 1939)


KOLOMYAGI, an area to the north-west of St. Petersburg, north of the Komendantsky Aerodrome and south-west of Ozerki; in the west it is adjacent large-scale residential development of Ozero Dolgoe

Melnikov А.I. (1784-1854), architect

MELNIKOV Avraam Ivanovich (1784, Oranienbaum - 1854, St. Petersburg), architect, associate academy member. Representative of the late Empire style. In 1795-1806, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in the class of А.D. Zakharov