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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Smolny Ave
История переименований:
Okhtinsky Ave (1860 - March 7, 1880)
Bolshoy Okhtinsky Ave (1817 - 1868)
Smolny Ave (as of March 7, 1880)
Ave to Bolshaya Okhta (1798 – the 1800s)
Smolnaya St. (1821 – 1858)

Kozlov P.K., (1863-1935), geographer

KOZLOV Peter Kuzmich (1863-1935, Peterhof), geographer, explorer of Central Asia and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1928). Graduated from the Infantry Military School in St. Petersburg in 1887

Krasovsky A.F. (1848-1918), architect

KRASOVSKY Alexander Fedorovich (1848-1918), architect. In 1865-70, he studied at the architectural department of Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In 1871-72, he went on to study at the St

Sinopskaya Embankment

SINOPSKAYA EMBANKMENT, on the left bank of the Neva River, from Smolny Avenue to Alexandra Nevskogo Square. In the first half of the 18th century, it was called Naberezhnaya Street or Nevskaya Rozhdestvenskaya Embankment

Smolnaya Embankment

SMOLNAYA EMBANKMENT, from Smolny Avenue to Robespierre Embankment. It received its name in 1887 after Smolny Cathedral (see Cathedral of the Renewal of the Jerusalem Holy Resurrection Temple)