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Persons / Clark Mathew (Matvey Egorovich) A3469 scientist
Clark Matthew (1776-1846), metallurgical engineer

CLARK Matvey Egorovich (Matthew) (1776-1846), metallurgical engineer, Chief Hunt Master. A native of Scotland, he served as inspector at St. Petersburg Iron Foundry (today, Kirovsky Plant) in 1824 and director of Alexandrovsky Foundry (today

Industrial Architecture (entry)

INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE. Construction of buildings for industrial purposes originally determined the appearance of St. Petersburg and its outskirts. The industrial style buildings included the Admiralty Shipyard, Partikulyarnaya Shipyard

Winter Palace Fire of 1837

WINTER PALACE FIRE OF 1837. Started on the evening of 17 December 1837, due to a faulty chimney connecting the choirs and the wooden vault in Peter the Great's Hall