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Persons / Ilyashev Vasily Viktorovich architect
Ezhegodnik Obshchestva Arkhitektorov-khudozhnikov (The Yearbook of the Imperial Society of Architect

EZHEGODNIK OBSHCHESTVA ARKHITEKTOROV-KHUDOZHNIKOV (The Yearbook of the Imperial Society of Architects/Artists), was published by the Society of Architects and Artists in 1906-16 (the last edition, no. 12 was released in 1927)

Morskaya Bolshaya Street

MORSKAYA BOLSHAYA STREET (in 1920-93 - Herzen Street, after A.I. Herzen), located from the General Staff Arch to Kryukov Canal. It was constructed in the early 18th century, in Morskaya settlement (hence the name)