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Bibliographies / Высшие и центральные государственные учреждения России, 1801-1917 гг. СПб., 1998
Chancellery, His Imperial Majesty's Personal

CHANCELLERY, HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY'S Personal, a supreme public institution. The Chancellery consisted of several divisions, which were established during the first half of the 19th century to carry out the Sovereign's personal supervision over

Highest Organs of State Power (entry)

HIGHEST ORGANS OF STATE POWER. The first higher organ of state power to function in St. Petersburg was the Senate founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1711. The Supreme Privy Council was founded under Empress Catherine I (1725-30)

Ministry for Industry and Commerce

MINISTRY FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE, central public institution administering state industry, as well as inspecting private industrial and commercial enterprises

Ministry of Finance

MINISTRY OF FINANCE, one of the Russian Empire's central public institutions, in charge of financial and economic policy. Established on 8 September 1802, and reorganized in 1810-11

Ministry of Internal Affairs

MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS, one of the Russian Empire's central public institutions, in charge of home policy. Established on 8 September 1802, and reorganized in 1810-11

Ministry of Justice

MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, one of the Russian Empire's central public institutions. Established on 8 September 1802 on the basis of the Collegium of Justice, and reached a final structure in 1811


SENATE (The Ruling Senate) was the highest state institution of the Russian Empire. It was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 22 February 1711 as the highest organ of legislation, administration and judiciary

State Assembly

STATE ASSEMBLY was the highest advisory (from 1906, legislative) body in the Russian Empire. It was established by a Decree on 30 March 1801, and transformed on 1 January 1810

State Chancellery

STATE CHANCELLERY, a State Assembly office, instituted on 1 January 1810 in accordance with state reforms conceived by M.M. Speransky, who became its first director


SYNOD (Apostolic Governing Synod), the highest collective organ of government of the Russian Orthodox Church, legislative and deliberative body, administrative and judicial institution