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Persons / Tatlin Vladimir Evgrafovich artist , architect
Art Culture Museum

ART CULTURE MUSEUM opened in 1921 in the former Myatlev family's house at 9 St.Isaac’s Square on the initiative of a group of left-wing artists. Unlike traditional museums exhibiting pieces of art on a national or historical basis

Institute of Artistic Culture

INSTITUTE OF ARTISTIC CULTURE, State. The institute was organised in 1923 on the basis of the Museum of Artistic Culture, and was located at 9 St.Isaac's Square

Youth Union

YOUTH UNION, a society of artists established by former members of the group Treugolnik (Elena Guro, Mikhail Matyushin, Eduard Spandikov, Iosif Shkolnik, Savely Schleifer, et al). The Youth Union was chaired by Eduard Spandikov (1910-13) and by L.I