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Bibliographies / Кудашев Б. М. По Каменноостровскому проспекту: Путеводитель. СПб., 1994
Ernest Restaurant

ERNEST (60 Kamennoostrovsky Avenue). A restaurant opened in 1909 by entrepreneur Ernest G. Hiegel (who also owned Medved Restaurant). The building housing the restaurant Ernest, as well as the greenhouse connected to it

Kamennoostrovsky Avenue

KAMENNOOSTROVSKY AVENUE, located between Troitskaya Square and the Bolshaya Nevka River Embankment. The main thoroughfare joining the city centre and the Petrogradskaya Side with Aptekarsky Island and Kamenny Island

Leo Tolstoy Square

LEO TOLSTOY SQUARE, at the intersection of Bolshoy Avenue of Petrogradskaya Side and Kamennoostrovsky Avenue. The square was named in the 1920s after the neighbouring street of the same name (since 1798 - Arkhiereiskaya Square