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Bibliographies / Ковалевский В. Душа деянием жива. СПб., 1999
Avsteria Traktir

AVSTERIA. Also know as the Osteria; traktir from the Italian meaning "public house"; austeritas, from the Latin meaning "gloomy, dark, rough". The first drinking- and gambling-house in St

Dominic Cafe

DOMINIC. The first Russian cafe-restaurant, opened in May 1841 at 24 Nevsky Prospect by "pastry shop master" Dominique Ritz Aport, a native of Switzerland, "for the satisfaction of people of class"

Donon Restaurant

DONON. A restaurant opened in 1849 by the entrepreneur Zh.B. Donon at 24 Moika River Embankment, in the building of the former Saint George Restaurant and Cafe, which existed from the early 1840s. Donon was one of St

Medved Restaurant

MEDVED (BEAR). A restaurant, opened on 1 October 1878 by Belgian entrepreneur, E. Hiegel in the building of the Demoute Hotel (see Demoute's Tavern; 27 Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street)