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Entries / Medical Societies (common)

Medical Societies (common)

Categories / Medicine. Public Health

MEDICAL SOCIETIES, voluntary social unions of doctors for the purpose of joint elaboration of scientific and practical problems of medicine. They were founded in the 19th century. The Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg was the first to be established. In 1872 the St. Petersburg Society of Practical Doctors appeared (St. Petersburg Medical Society from 1884). Specialisation within medicine contributed to the emergence of societies of doctors according to their speciality: Psychiatrist Society (1861), Russian Surgical Society of N.I. Pirogov (1882), Syphilologists’ and Dermatologists’ Society (1885), Children’s Doctors’ Society (1885) etc. A number of societies stopped existing after October 1917. In 2002 there were about 40 medical societies in St. Petersburg which united representatives of both traditional and new branches of medicine (Allergists, Immunologists, lung physicians, cryosurgeons etc.).

T. I. Grekova.

Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich
