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Alexy (Simansky), metropolitan in 1933-1945

ALEXY (born Sergey Vladimirovich Simansky) (1877-1970), religious figure, Doctor of Theology (1949). After graduating from the Faculty Of Law of Moscow University in 1899

Cathedral of Prince St. Vladimir

CATHEDRAL OF PRINCE ST. VLADIMIR, (Dobrolyubova Avenue, 26 Blokhina Street), an architectural monument in a transitional style from Baroque to Classicism. The Cathedral is located on the so-called mokrushi, soggy, regularly flooded lowland

Kazan Cathedral

KAZAN CATHEDRAL, Our Lady of Kazan Сathedral (2 Kazanskaya Square). A monument of Classical architecture. In 1733-1737, the three sided stone Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, with a high bell tower, stood on this spot (architect M.G

Miracle-Working and Revered Icons (entry)

MIRACLE-WORKING AND REVERED ICONS. The most famous Miracle-Working icon of Our Lady of Kazan — the copy of the 16th century of the lost Miracle-Working icon of the same name, can now be seen in the Kazan Cathedral