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Entries / 2003


Categories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Chronicle of three centuries/1976 - 2010

May. Ceremonial opening of the Amber Room after the 20 years restoration work took place in the Catherine Palace, this event was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Founding of Saint Petersburg.

6 June. The brewery "Tinkoff" was opened in Pushkin Town.

June. Commemorative Signe devoted to the Tsarskoye Selo His Imperial Majesty Life-Guard Hussar Regiment was opened by the Cathedral of St. Sophia . Tatyana Pavlovna Sizova, director of the House of Culture of Pushkin Town, honoured worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, deputy of the City Council, was conferred the title "Honorary Citizen of Pushkin Town".
November. The construction of the road junction of the ring road near Shushary was finished.

Sizova, Tatyana Pavlovna

The subject Index
Amber Room
St. Sofia Cathedral at Tsarskoe Selo