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Entries / The house of Ya. Kitayev (with the fence and garden)

The house of Ya. Kitayev (with the fence and garden)

Categories / Tsarskoe Selo and town of Pushkin. The digital chronological reference book/Monuments of history and culture

A design of an one-storied house with a mezzanine and garden was developed in 1926 by the architect V.M. Gornostayev for Ya.V. Kitayev, a valet of emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I. When Ya.V. Kitayev was a young man he was Paul I favourite hairdresser and a master of curling. The wooden house was built in two years. However this house is more famous as a country house of A.S. Pushkin, where the museum of the poet is placed now. Here A.S. Pushkin and his wife spent the summer and a part of the autumn of 1831. Kitayev died soon and the house was passed from his widow to Privy Councillor F.I. Pryanishnikov, a famous patron of art and an owner of a picture gallery. Since 1877 it was owned to O.I. Ivanova who enlarged the house, added entrance rooms on sides and tambours, and removed the main entrance to Dvortsovaya Street. In 1910 the marble plaque with the inscription “A.S. Pushkin lived here from 25 May until 20 October 1831” was installed on the house façade according to the owner approval. In 1949 the house was restored. Interiors of the first floor, sitting and dining rooms, were restored to the design of V.M. Gornostayev and furnished with the furniture of Pushkin’s time style. The memorial museum was opened in 1958.

Semenova Galina Victorovna

Gornostaev Vasily Maximovich
Kitayev, Ya.V.
Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich
Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich

Dvortsovaya Street/Pushkin, town
Pushkinskaya Street/Pushkin, town, house 2