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Search result: alphabet - C
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Cruys К.I. (1657-1727), Admiral

CRUYS Kornely Ivanovich (Kornelius) (1657-1727, St. Petersburg), associate of Emperor Peter the Great, one of the founders of the Russian fleet, Admiral (1721), a Dane

Cuirassier Life Guards His Majesty’s Regiment

CUIRASSIER LIFE GUARDS HIS MAJESTY’S REGIMENT, Cavalry Guards Regiment, raised in 1702 as the Dragoon Prince Grigory Volkonsky’s Regiment, from 1708 Yaroslavsky Dragoon Regiment

Curtain and Lace Company

CURTAIN AND LACE COMPANY (25 Chapaeva Street), an open joint-stock company, the largest national enterprise manufacturing curtain cloth, lace, and lacery. Founded in 1837 as the St

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