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Adress index / Saint Petersburg, city / Khrustalnaya St.
История переименований:
Khrustalnaya St. (as of August 14, 1958)
1st Luch St. (the early 20th - August 14, 1958)
Khrustalnaya St. (April 16, 1887 - August 14, 1958)

Bus Depots

BUS DEPOTS, enterprises providing for parking, technical maintenance, and repair of buses. They consist of a roofed depot building, vehicle technical maintenance facilities, and an administrative office

Glukhoe Lake

GLUKHOYE LAKE, 1) located between Navalochnaya and Farforovskaya railway stations of the Moscow Line of Oktyabrskaya Railroad. Originally, Glukhoye Lake was 0.8 km long and wide

Steklyanny Settlement

STEKLYANNY SETTLEMENT (Glass Settlement), an area on the left bank of the Neva River, on the territory of Nevskaya Zastava, between Obvodny Canal in the north and Smolenskoe village in the south. In the 1770s, the territory belonged to G.A