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Persons / Oppel Vladimir Andreevich physician , pedagogue
Oppel V. A., (1872 - 1932), surgeon

OPPEL Vladimir Andreevich (1872, St. Petersburg - 1932, Leningrad), surgeon, Doctor of Medicine (1899). He graduated from the Military Medical Academy (1896), and taught there, becoming a professor in 1907

Army Medical Academy

ARMY MEDICAL ACADEMY situated at 6 Akademika Lebedeva Street, an educational institution providing training for army doctors. A unique scientific and medical centre

Bogoslovskoe Cemetery

BOGOSLOVSKOE CEMETERY (2 Laboratornaya Street) is situated in the north-east of the city, between Mechnikov Avenue and Finlyandskaya Railway Line. Today, its area consists of about 40 hectares

Gymnasia (entry)

GYMNASIA, institutions of intermediate general education. In pre-revolutionary Russia they were mainly established with the purpose of training pupils for university and service in state institutions

Kirochnaya Street

KIROCHNAYA STREET (in the 18th century, the Fourth Artilleriiskaya Line and Street; in 1932-98, Saltykova-Shchedrina Street), running from Liteiny Avenue to Novgorodskaya Street

Peter The Great Clinical Hospital

PETER THE GREAT CLINICAL HOSPITAL (47 Piskarevsky Avenue), general hospital under federal administration. The decision to build the hospital in honour of the 200th anniversary of the city was adopted in 1903

Sampsonievsky Bolshoy Avenue

SAMPSONIEVSKY BOLSHOY AVENUE, named Samsonievskaya Street in 1739, then B. Samsonievsky Avenue in the early 19th century, receiving its present name in the late 19th century