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Persons / Ratkov-Rozhnov Anany Vladimirovich entrepreneur , landlord
Historical style (Eclecticism)

HISTORICAL STYLE (Eclecticism), architectural style of the 1830s-90s. The sense of Eclecticism is the free choice or the amalgamation of methods and motifs of a variety of historical styles, associatively expressing the purpose of buildings

Kirochnaya Street

KIROCHNAYA STREET (in the 18th century, the Fourth Artilleriiskaya Line and Street; in 1932-98, Saltykova-Shchedrina Street), running from Liteiny Avenue to Novgorodskaya Street

Pestelya Street

PESTELYA STREET known as Panteleimonovskaya Street until 1923, between Fontanka River Embankment and Radishcheva Square. The street was named after P. I. Pestel

Ratkov-Rozhnov Family, entrepreneurs and houseowners

RATKOV-ROZHNOV FAMILY, a noble family, state officials, entrepreneurs and houseowners. Close ties to St. Petersburg were kept by V. A. Ratkov-Rozhnov and Alexander Nikolaevich Ratkov-Rozhnov (about 1859-?) who graduated from St

Svetlanovsky Avenue

SVETLANOVSKY AVENUE, between Svetlanovskaya Square and Suzdalsky Avenue. The avenue was built in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1910s, the lot between modern Toreza Avenue and Jacques Duclos Street was constructed and given the name