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Lerche Restaurant

LERCHE RESTAURANT. Opened circa 1843 by Ministry of Defence Official G.V. Lerche (1787-1876) in his own residence (in literature, the Lerche House; 25 Bolshaya Morskaya Street /11 Gorokhovaya Street; rebuilt in 1838, architect P.P

Lermontov M.Y. (1814-1841), poet

LERMONTOV Mikhail Yurievich (1814-1841), poet, prose writer, playwright. The descendant of G. Lermont, an immigrant from Scotland. Without graduating from Moscow University, Lermontov came to St

Lermontovsky Avenue

LERMONTOVSKY AVENUE, running between Dekabristov Street and Obvodny Canal Embankment. Formed in 1912 as part of the joining of Bolshaya Masterskaya Street (from Dekabristov Street to Griboedova Canal)

Lesgaft Academy of Physical Education, State, St. Petersburg

LESGAFT ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, State, St. Petersburg (SPSAFC) (35 Dekabristov Street) was founded by P.F. Lesgaft in 1896 as the Higher Courses for Physical Education Directors

Lesgaft P.F. (1837-1909), anatomist, teacher

LESGAFT Peter Frantsevich (St. Petersburg, 1837-1909), anatomist and teacher. Graduated from the Medical Surgical Academy in 1861. In 1868, he became a professor at Kazan University. In 1871, started teaching at the Medical Surgical Academy

Lesgaft's Courses

LESGAFT'S COURSES, also named the Training Courses for Governesses and Teachers of Physical Education, teacher's training institution for women founded in 1896 on the initiative of P. F

Leskov N.S. (1831-1895), writer

LESKOV Nikolay Semenovich (1831-1895, St. Petersburg), writer, publicist, collegiate secretary (1874). Studied in Orlov Gymnasium (1841-46, didn't graduate). His works were published from 1860. Lived in St. Petersburg from 1861

Lesnaya Harbour

LESNAYA HARBOUR (Forest Harbour) is a complex of artificial water constructions including several rectangular cuts located in the southern part of Gutuyevsky Island


LESNOY, a historical district in the north of St. Petersburg, between Engelsa Avenue to the west, Manchesterskaya Street to the north, Thoreza Avenue and Karbysheva Street to the east and Novorossiiskaya Street to the south

Lesnoy Avenue

LESNOY AVENUE, from Akademika Lebedeva Street to Institutsky Lane, joining the Finlyandsky Railway Station with the Lesnoy District. The street was laid in the 19th century; until 1913, the avenue

Letopis (The Chronicle), journal

LETOPIS (The Chronicle) monthly literary, scientific and political journal, founded and virtually edited by Maxim Gorky. The journal united authors and publicists opposing nationalism and WW I

Leuchtenberg Family

LEUCHTENBERG (v. Leuchtenberg), a ducal family in Russia, its founder was Duke M. Leuchtenberg. In 1852, the Leuchtenbergs were included in the Imperial Family under the title of Princes Romanovsky. Initially they were buried at the SS

Levashovo, settlement

LEVASHOVO, a former settlement, north-west of the city centre; since 1997, a municipal unit of the Vyborgsky District of Saint Petersburg. It emerged as a settlement for workers building the Vyborg railway station in 1870

Levashovskaya Pustosh

LEVASHOVSKAYA PUSTOSH, a tract of land in the vicinity of the Levashovo Railway Station (135 Gorskoe Highway), one of the cemeteries for political victims born in Leningrad

Levchenko G.I, (1897-1981), Admiral

LEVCHENKO Gordey Ivanovich (1897-1981), Admiral (1944). From 1913 served in the Baltic Fleet. Graduated from the Naval Cadet School (1914), completed Courses of Artillery Corporals in Kronstadt (1916)

Levinson E.A. (1894-1968), architect

LEVINSON Evgeny Adolfovich (1894-1968, Leningrad), architect and artist, Associate of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (from 1941), Doctor of Architecture (1946)

Levinson-Lessing F.Y., (1861-1939), geologist

LEVINSON-LESSING Franz Yulievich (1861-1939), petrographer, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics Mathematical of the University of St

Levinson-Lessing V.F. (1893-1972, Leningrad), museum worker

LEVINSON-LESSING Vladimir Franzevich (1893-1972, Leningrad), museum worker, art historian, professor (1940). The son of F.Y. Levinson-Lessing. Studied at Forestry School and Tenishevsky School

Levitsky D.G., (1735-1822), Artist

LEVITSKY Dmitry Grigorievich (1735-1822, St. Petersburg) artist. He was a master of gala and chamber portrait paintings. He studied in Kiev under his father, Ukrainian graphic artist K. G. Levitsky (Nos) and A. P

Levitsky N.A. (1911-1982), film director

LEVITSKY Nikolay Alexeevich (1911-1982, Leningrad), documentary film director, People's Artist of the USSR in 1982. After graduating from the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography in 1936

Levitsky S.L. (1819-1898), photographer

LEVITSKY Sergey Lvovich (1819-98, St. Petersburg) is one of the founders of photography in Russia. In 1840s he studied the basics of photography in Paris. In 1849

Libraries (entry)

LIBRARIES. The first library of St. Petersburg was founded in 1714 by the decree of Tsar Peter the Great as His Majesty’s Library; later on, it formed the basis of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Library for the Blind

LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND of St. Petersburg State Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg Administration (8 Shamsheva Street), founded in 1927 as a library of the House of the Blind

Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences

LIBRARY OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (BAN) (1 Birzhevaya Line), founded in 1714 by the decree of Peter the Great as His Majesty’s Library (also called public and state library)

Lidval F.I., (1870-1945), architect

LIDVAL Fedor Ivanovich (Iogan Friedrich) (1870, St. Petersburg - 1945), architect. Descendant of Swedish emigrants. Lidval graduated from the Academy of Arts (1896), a Fellow of the Academy of Architecture from 1909

Lidval, House of

LIDVAL, HOUSE OF (1-3 Kamennoostrovsky Avenue, / 5 Malaya Posadskaya Street), a modernist architectural monument. The building was constructed in 1899-1904 by architect F.I. Lidval on land that belonged to his mother I. B. Lidval

Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge

LIEUTENANT SCHMIDT BRIDGE (in 1850-55 Blagoveshchensky, in 1855-1918 Nikolaevsky, in memory of Emperor Nicholas I). It was the first permanent bridge built over the Bolshaya Neva River, linking Truda Square (formerly Blagoveshchenskaya

Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment

LIEUTENANT SCHMIDT EMBANKMENT (until 1887, the Bolshaya Neva Embankment; until 1918, the Nikolaevskaya Embankment), on the right bank of the Bolshaya Neva River, between Seventh Line and Twenty Third Line of Vasilievsky Island. Named after P.P

Life Company

LIFE COMPANY, a separate extra-privileged guard unit. Ordered by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in 1741, formed of the Grenadier Company of the Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment. The company assisted her seizure of the throne on 25 November 1741

Lifting of the Siege, 1944

LIFTING THE SIEGE. Part of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45; the complete liquidation and annihilation of all military threats to Leningrad, and the restoration of normal functioning of city communications