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His Majesty's Life-Guards Hussars Regiment

The Regiment traces its history to the Life-Hussars Squadron established in 1775 to escort Catherine the Second. The Life-Guards Hussars Regiment first saw fire in 1805 at Austerlitz

Historical and Political Archives of St. Petersburg

HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL ARCHIVES OF ST. PETERSBURG, Central State Historical and Political Archives situated at 39 Tavricheskaya Street. The archives originated from the Commission for the Collection and Study of Materials on the History of the

Historical Societies (entry)

HISTORICAL SOCIETIES, associations of historians, including both professionals and amateurs, aimed at studying and developing various historical issues. Most historical societies received imperial support during the 19th and early 20th centuries

Historical Society of St. Petersburg University

HISTORICAL SOCIETY of St. Petersburg University founded in 1889 on the initiative of Professor N. I. Kareev, who became its permanent chairman. The society had its meetings at the Faculty of History and Philology

Historical style (Eclecticism)

HISTORICAL STYLE (Eclecticism), architectural style of the 1830s-90s. The sense of Eclecticism is the free choice or the amalgamation of methods and motifs of a variety of historical styles, associatively expressing the purpose of buildings

Historical-Philological Institute

HISTORICAL-PHILOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, an institution of higher education established in 1867 with the purpose of training teachers of ancient and modern European languages, philology, history and geography

Hollerbach E. F. (1892-1942), Art Historian

HOLLERBACH Erich Fedorovich (1892, Tsarskoe Selo - 1942) art historian, literary critic, bibliophile. In 1911-17, he studied at the Psychoneurological Institute

Holy Annunciation Church (Eighth Line of Vasilievsky Island)

HOLY ANNUNCIATION CHURCH located at 67 Eighth Line of Vasilievsky Island. An architectural monument in the Baroque style. The stone two-storeyed church was built in 1750-72, financed by merchants I. S. Chirkin and I. I

Holy Annunciation Church (Truda Square)

HOLY ANNUNCIATION CHURCH, on Truda Square, was erected for the Cavalry Life-Guards' Regiment in 1844-49 according to the designs of architect K. A. Ton and decorated in the Italian-Byzantine style

Holy Ascension Church

HOLY ASCENSION CHURCH located at 34a Voznesensky Avenue. An architectural monument constructed in 1755-69 (architects A. F. Wist and A. Rinaldi) in a transitional style merging Baroque with Classicism

Holy Assumption Church on Malaya Okhta

HOLY ASSUMPTION CHURCH ON MALAYA OKHTA, located at 68a Malookhtinsky Avenue. Was funded by public donations in 1996-2001 (architect F. K. Romanovsky) on the territory of the former Malookhtinskoe сemetery in memory of Leningrad citizens who died

Holy Assumption Church on Sennaya Square

HOLY ASSUMPTION CHURCH ON SENNAYA SQUARE, (common name - Saviour Church on Sennaya Square). The first wooden church, Procession of Holy Cross, was moved to Sennaya Square from Vyborgskaya Side in 1753

Holy Face Church of the Court Stables

HOLY FACE CHURCH OF THE COURT STABLES, located at 1 Konyushennaya Square, an architectural monument. Originally built of wood, in 1737 it was relocated to a stone building of the Court Stables and placed above its main Gate; along with the building

Holy Resurrection Cathedral, (Spas-na-Krovi)

HOLY RESURRECTION CATHEDRAL, (SPAS-NA-KROVI "Church of Our Saviour on the Blood", located at 2a Griboedova Canal Embankment, a church constructed in 1883-1907 (architects A. A

Holy Resurrection Church

HOLY RESURRECTION CHURCH, located at 116 Obvodny Canal Embankment, an architectural monument. The church was commissioned by Society for Religious and Moral Education, constructed in 1904-08 to the designs of architect G. D

Holy Transfiguration Cathedral

HOLY TRANSFIGURATION CATHEDRAL, located at 1 Preobrazhenskaya Square. An architectural monument construction by order of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna (architect M. G

Holy Trinity & St. Sergius Hermitage

HOLY TRINITY & ST. SERGIUS HERMITAGE, a seaside Holy Trinity & St. Sergius Hermitage, located at 15 Peterburgskoe Highway. A monastery founded in 1732 by Archimandrite Varlaam (Vysotsky) on the 19th verst of the Peterhof highway on the location of a

Holy Trinity and St Peter's Cathedral

HOLY TRINITY AND ST PETER'S CATHEDRAL, located at Troitskaya Square. An 18th century architectural monument. The first wooden church on this place was built in 1709-11, by order of Tsar Peter the Great

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Krasnoe Selo

HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL in Krasnoe Selo, located at 108 Lenina Avenue, an architectural monument in the Baroque style of the reign of Anna Ioannovna. It was built in 1733-35 (architect I. Y. Blank)

Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra

HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, located at 1 Monastyrka River Embankment, is an architectural monument of the late Classicism style. Its location in the centre of the Lavra ensemble

Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Izmailovsky Life Guards Regiment

HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL OF THE IZMAILOVSKY LIFE GUARDS REGIMENT located at 7a Izmailovsky Avenue, is an architectural monument in the late Classicist style. A regimental church of the Izmailovsky Life Guard Regiment

Holy Trinity Church

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, located at the corner of Sredny Avenue of Vasilievsky Island and Nalichnaya Street. Constructed in 1792, (architect Y. Perren) during the reconstruction of Galernaya Harbour

Holy Virgin Intercession Church

HOLY VIRGIN INTERCESSION CHURCH, (Turgeneva Square), constructed on parish donations in Bolshaya Kolomna in 1798-1812 in the style of high Classicism (architect I. E. Starov)

Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg

HONORARY CITIZEN OF ST. PETERSBURG, an honorary title conferred on people who made a considerable contribution to the development of the city. In 1866-1908, 7 persons were conferred this title (the conferring didn"t entail any material privileges or

Horse Grenadier Life Guards Regiment

HORSE GRENADIER LIFE GUARDS REGIMENT, Cavalry Guards Regiment, its history dates back to the Odessa Hussar Regiment, raised in May 1803, which was the basis for the Uhlan Tsesarevich’s Regiment formed the same year


HORSE-CAR (horse-railway; horse-tram), a railway type of omnibus. In the second half of the 19th - early 20th century horse-cars were the most available passenger public transport means

Hospices (common)

HOSPICES, institutions which render qualified comprehensive medical, psychological, and nursing care to terminal oncological patients. The House of Mercy for Women With Cancer, which opened in St

Hospitals (common)

HOSPITALS. The first hospital in St. Petersburg, the Kalinkinsky Hospital was founded as a police-correctional institution for "indecent women and girls" (1762)

Hospitals, military (common)

HOSPITALS, MILITARY. The first Admiralty hospital was set up by order of Tsar Peter the Great on Vyborgskaya Side in 1715. In 1717, the Land military hospital was opened, which together with the Admiralty hospital formed a single ensemble (the 1720s

Hotels (entry)

HOTELS. In St. Petersburg's early years, visitors stayed at hostelries, taverns or with acquaintances. With the spread of commerce, there appeared "guest yards", or visitor's complexes, in front of which merchants sold goods. One of the first St

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